N. (Nicole) Ross

 N. (Nicole) Ross
N. (Nicole) Ross
Nicole Ross has been practicing since 1998 and brings years of experience into the firm, with a comprehensive network of highly experienced professionals in various fields of law.

Nicole holds a B Proc degree and a Diploma in Corporate Law. Nicole is a qualified CEDR accredited mediator through Conflict Dynamics, and is admitted as an attorney in the High Court of South Africa since 1 April, 1999, and has been practicing continuously since then in her own practice.

Nicole is admitted as a non-practicing solicitor in the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland and Wales.


Nicole has been a partner and director of AL Mostert & Company Inc since 1 April, 1999. While practicing as an attorney, she has gained considerable experience particularly in the field of litigation and commercial law.


Nicole is an accredited commercial and matrimonial mediator, accredited with the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) both locally and abroad.

Currently working with

Name Place Website
Nicole Ross Attorneys Magaliessig, Johannesburg Ward 106, Randburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, Gauteng, 2152, South Africa


Name Number Valid till
Certification (sub scope) Mediator - courtmediator ADR.MEDIATOR - COURTMEDIATOR.CERTIFICATION (SUB SCOPE).N. (NICOLE)-ROSS.2018-06-19.7C2Q0C 2025-01-01
Certification (full) Mediator ADR.MEDIATOR.CERTIFICATION (FULL).N. (NICOLE)-ROSS.2018-06-19.3X0D8G 2025-01-01

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