Currently working with Name Place Website Efe Consultancy - Uniek Mediation - Kayla Efe 36, Wijnhaven, Stadsdriehoek, Centrum, Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands, 3011WS, The Netherlands
Certificates Name Number Valid till Certification (sub scope) Mediator - courtmediator ADR.MEDIATOR - COURTMEDIATOR.CERTIFICATION (SUB SCOPE).K. (KAYLA)-EFE.2020-12-01.I8LPOW 2026-01-01 Certification (sub scope) Mediator - divorce mediator (family mediator) ADR.MEDIATOR - DIVORCE MEDIATOR (FAMILY MEDIATOR).CERTIFICATION (SUB SCOPE).K. (KAYLA)-EFE.2020-12-01.VZYUZI 2026-01-01 Certification (full) Negotiator ADR.NEGOTIATOR.CERTIFICATION (FULL).K. (KAYLA)-EFE.2020-12-01.IKUPD7 2026-01-01 Certification (full) Mediator ADR.MEDIATOR.CERTIFICATION (FULL).K. (KAYLA)-EFE.2020-12-01.ZYJSYB 2026-01-01 Certification (full) Conflictcoach ADR.ICR.CONFLICTCOACH.CERTIFICATION (FULL).K. (KAYLA)-EFE.2020-12-01.QYPSQ0 2026-01-01
Memberships and specialisms Language - English Language - Dutch Consultancy & advise Expats Inter cultural - multi cultural Language - Turkish
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