A.B.M. (Anja) Frosch

 A.B.M. (Anja) Frosch
A.B.M. (Anja) Frosch

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Mediation Molenzicht | Anja Frosch 18, Putsmolentje, Bedrijventerrein Drei Hoeven, Ossendrecht, Woensdrecht, North Brabant, Netherlands, 4641SK, The Netherlands


Name Number Valid till
Certification (sub scope) Training provider - AMV Opleidingen Kinderen Scheiden Mee Coach® ADR.TRAINING PROVIDER - AMV OPLEIDINGEN KINDEREN SCHEIDEN MEE COACH®.CERTIFICATION (SUB SCOPE).A.B.M. (ANJA)-FROSCH.2023-02-01.ICVKWY N/A
Certification (associate) Negotiator ADR.NEGOTIATOR.CERTIFICATION (ASSOCIATE).A.B.M. (ANJA)-FROSCH.2021-02-01.XUMRJX 2027-01-01
Certification (associate) Mediator ADR.MEDIATOR.CERTIFICATION (ASSOCIATE).A.B.M. (ANJA)-FROSCH.2021-02-01.D4J63A 2027-01-01
Certification (associate) Conflictcoach ADR.ICR.CONFLICTCOACH.CERTIFICATION (ASSOCIATE).A.B.M. (ANJA)-FROSCH.2021-02-01.LESZQG 2027-01-01

Memberships and specialisms

Contact A.B.M. (Anja) Frosch

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