Currently working with Name Place Website Mediation en Dialoog 90A, Badhuisweg, Belgisch Park, Scheveningen, The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands, 2587 CL, Netherlands
Certificates Name Number Valid till Certification (associate) Mediator ADR.MEDIATOR.CERTIFICATION (ASSOCIATE).JANNEKE-WIERIKX.2013-05-01.7H1S5N 2025-01-01 Certification (associate) Arbitrator ADR.ARBITRATOR.CERTIFICATION (ASSOCIATE).JANNEKE-WIERIKX.2013-05-01.4V2P2T 2025-01-01 Certification (associate) Negotiator ADR.NEGOTIATOR.CERTIFICATION (ASSOCIATE).JANNEKE-WIERIKX.2013-05-01.1Q5B2B 2025-01-01
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